Saturday, May 3, 2014

Know a good attorney?

From time to time almost everyone needs legal advice. Bad experience with a car repair, construction job or remodel gone haywire, car accident, legal forms to sign. And the big one, teenagers driving!

Who are you going to call? What is it going to cost?

Legal Shield is the answer. Their motto is "Worry less, live more."

For as little as $20 per month you can
  • Call an experienced attorney with any legal question - no charge
  • Have up to 15 pages of legal documents reviewed by an attorney - no charge
  • A letter or phone call from your attorney to solve a problem - no charge
  • Legal documents prepared - a will and power of attorney - no charge
  • Up to 60 pre-trial and trial hours of attorney time - no charge
  • Representation in court by an attorney for defensible driving tickets - no charge
  • Legal representation before the IRS if you are audited - no charge
  • Discounts on other legal matters
I've used Legal Shield since 1998 and the service has saved me thousands of dollars. Unlimited phone calls about tax issues, real estate, business questions, estate settlement and probate is a big reason why I use Legal Shield.

Legal Shield also has the best Identity Theft protection you'll find anywhere. Security breaches at Target and other major retailers are in the news and have affected millions of people. Anyone that has used or other state health websites should be aware that the sensitive information entered is not secure. Identity Theft protection is a must-have.

Find out how Legal Shield can bring you peace of mind and solve issues you are fretting about. At click on ENTER and look at the Legal Shield tab. Watch the videos and learn more.

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